الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
Assess the Degree of Mass Customization Strategies Implementation in Food and Beverages, Shareholding Industrial Companies in Jordan.
Year : 2011-08-01
Faculty : Business
Author : سلطان محمد سعيد سلطان فريحات / 
Abstarct :
The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of Mass Customization strategies implementation in food and beverages shareholding industrial companies in Jordan, and if there are differences in the degree of application among the companies studied due to the following variables: administration responsible for the strategy application in the company, the existence of organizational marketing unit in the company, the company s ownership, whether the company is exporter or not. The researcher adopted two types of data: the data gleaned from books, net, studies and previous research, while the second was a field study included: the design and distribution of a questionnaire to collect data from managers concerned about the variables of the study. Questionnaires have been distributed to 50 manager and (43) were recovered with a percentage of (86%). The questionnaire consisted of sets of questions, included: food and beverages industrial sector companies characteristics and the degree of the company s implementation of the strategies mentioned. Reliability test was conducted (Cronbach s Alpha) to determine the reliability of the data collection tool (questionnaire). The reliability test ratio of both the independent and dependent variables were (81.41%).The population of the study were (12) food and beverages shareholding industrial companies in Jordan. The unit of analysis in this study was manager, and data were collected from: marketing managers, product design managers, directors of research and development, in each of the twelfth companies.