الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
The role of marketing information system in marketing decision making in Jordanian shareholding medicines production companies
Year : 2012-05-01
Faculty : Business
Author : سلطان محمد سعيد سلطان فريحات / 
Abstarct :
The purpose of this study was to reveal the relationship between the major components of marketing information system, and the decision-making in Jordanian shareholding medicines production companies. It also aimed at introducing the concept, elements, and components of marketing information system. The researcher adopted two types of data: the data gleaned from books, net, studies and previous research, while the second was a field study included: the design and distribution of a questionnaire to collect data from managers and staff concerned about the variables of the study. Questionnaires have been distributed to (56) of marketing managers and marketing information system staff working in the companies, and (48) was recovered with a percentage of (86%). The questionnaire consisted of sets of questions, included: the relationship between the main components of marketing information system and decision making in companies mentioned. Reliability test was conducted (Cronbach s Alpha) to determine the reliability of the data collection tool (questionnaire). The reliability test ratio of both the independent and dependent variables were (87%).The population of the study were (7) Jordanian shareholding medicines production companies. The unit of analysis in this study was manager, and staff, and data were collected from: marketing managers, and marketing information system staff working in each of the seventh companies. The main results of the study were as follows: 1. There is a statistically significant relation between each of the following marketing information system components: (internal records, marketing research, marketing intelligence)and decision-making. 2. There is a tendency in Jordanian shareholding medicines producing companies to appoint persons who has: Universities qualifications, suitable scientific specialization, and high years of experience, for their making information system jobs. 3. Some of the companies included in the study haven t a specialized unit responsible for the functions of marketing information system in their marketing departments. Key words: marketing information system, internal records, marketing research, marketing intelligence, marketing decision-making.