الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
Can new teachers learn teaching by reciprocating?
Year : 2022-07-23
Faculty : Arts
Author : خالد اسماعيل سـالم النجار / 
Abstarct :
Preservice teachers are expected to learn to teach through opportunities provided by their supervisors in their field experience. This study explores supervisor-supervisee reciprocity as a learning opportunity. Supervisor-supervisee reciprocity is an empirically undocumented phenomenon in teacher education. This study examines how it relates to supervisors’ roles. Using interviews and focus groups, this study found that reciprocity relates to three aspects of supervisors’ roles: educational trainer, sentimental underpinning, and social facilitator. The study also reported perceived effects of reciprocity on the building of supervisory relationships.