الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
Impact of Cryptocurrency Regulations and Fintech on the Growth of Innovations
Year : 2023-06-01
Faculty : Business
Author : مجدي جلال عبد الهادي السعايده /  نجد مسعد سليمان الرواشدة /  هبة مصلح ضيف الله الملاحمة /  امال محمد اسماعيل العماوي /  محمد المشاقبة / 
Abstarct :
The Fintech industry has grown in importance globally for staying current with advancements and advances in the financial industry. The need of technology in financial institution captured higher attention that signifies Fintech uses specialized software and algorithms. This research is aimed to empirically investigate the impact of cryptocurrency regulations and fintech on growth of innovation in banking sector Dubai UAE. A total of 209 valid respondents collected from managerial departments in the banks using convenient sampling technique. Screened data considered for testing and analysis using SmartPLS 4. A PLS-SEM test run for model evaluation, hypothesis testing, and construct correlation. The findings support the significant association between fintech and innovation growth as well as cryptocurrency regulation is positively associated with innovation growth. The financial sector can benefit from this research s findings, and the researchers goal is to learn more about financial technology