الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
معرفة أثر البلاغة العربية بوصفها منهجية لتذوق اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها
Year : 2022-01-03
Faculty : Arts
Author : عمر عبدالله نايف العنبر /  هاشم صالح محمد مناع / 
Abstarct :
Abstract This research aims at discovering the effect of Arabic rhetoric as an approach for the appreciation of Arabic by non-native students. To achieve this aim, a questionnaire was prepared based on a number of predetermined criteria including: the objectives of Arabic rhetoric, the extent to which Arabic rhetoric was used in curricula that teach Arabic to speakers of other languages, the approaches that increase students’ interest in Arabic rhetoric, as well as the problems that face non-Arabic speakers when practicing Arabic rhetoric.These criteria were applied on the study sample arriving at the results and their implications. The study procedures followed according to the following chapters:First Chapter: Research Methodology.Second Chapter: Results of the study.Third Chapter: Results of the interview questions.Fourth Chapter: Discussion.