الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
Do E-Service Quality and Digital Content Moderate the Relationship between Website Design and the Intention to visit the Museum
Year : 2023-04-01
Faculty : Business
Author : مجدي جلال عبد الهادي السعايده / 
Abstarct :
This study assessed the effects of website design on the intention to visit the Museum of Parliamentary Life, and the moderating role of E-service quality and digital content in the relationship between website design and the intention to visit the Museum of Parliamentary life. This study utilized two theories namely the technology acceptance model and planned behavior. A total of 153 responses from visitors were analyzed using Smart Partial Least Squares. The findings reported that website design positively impacts the intention to visit the Museum of Parliamentary life. Additionally, E-service quality and digital content moderate the relationship between website design and the intention to visit the Museum of Parliamentary life. The study focused on visitors’ motivation which forms their intention to visit the Museum of Parliamentary life. The goal here is to guide relevant organizations in increasing- service quality and enhancing digital content to encourage people to visit the museum. Keywords: E-Service Quality, Digital Content, website design, Intention to Visit, Museum of Parliamentary