الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
Developing of natural language interface to robot-an Arabic language case study
Year : 2014-07-01
Faculty : Information Technology
Author : اياد طارق امام امام /  ثامر سامي حسين الروسان /  أشرف عوض الله عودة / 
Abstarct :
In this paper, we report the development of an Arabic natural language interface for the robot (ANLI2ROBOT). The imperative sentence in the Arabic language is used to command a robot lifting arm to grasp small metal objects and move them from one place to another. Since this interface is a natural language processing (NLP) application, lexicon, syntactical, and morphological subsystems for the Arabic language interrogative sentence were created as components of this interface. A set of simple familiar Arabic command words, which are related to the operations of the robot lifting arm, have been defined in the lexicon of the interface, and different forms of these words have been created by using the morphological subsystem. ANLI2ROBOT is implemented using Prolog programming language since it gives a straightforward conversion from Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) to Prolog predicates. This work, which is classified as human-robot interaction (HRI), contributes to the use of the Arabic language to communicate with the robot. ANLI2ROBOT is also considered a written dialogue system (WDS) that uses Arabic written (not spoken) language. In addition to the success in handling the different forms of the imperative sentence, the work revealed other significant findings regarding the use of the Arabic natural language to instruct the robot (and similar machines).