الأبحاث العلمية في جامعة الإسراء
Publications Of Isra University

Amman - Jordan
The roles of decision making and empowerment in Jordanian webbased development organisations
Year : 2014-06-15
Faculty : Information Technology
Author : ثامر سامي حسين الروسان /  اسامه محمد مصطفى الحاج حسن /  اياد طارق امام امام / 
Abstarct :
This study aims to explore how empowerment is enabled in Web-based project teams. It also aims to identify differences in empowering practices and levels of individual empowerment in different types of Web-based project development methods. The point of departure is the assumption that the relationships between two important disciplines in Web-based project development, which are the Web-based project development methods and empowerment, are not clear in industrial Web-based projects. Through a survey of data collected from 123 Web-based projects in Jordan, the study assesses whether there is a difference in empowerment in different types of Web application development methodologies. The findings show that the level of participation in decisions and empowerment differ in Web-based project development teams and there are clear signs that this can be attributed to different organizations and the methodologies are chosen. The implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are identified and proposed.